Category Archives: Math

Trust-Region-Dogleg and Newton-Raphson – A Quick Comparison on a 5th order polynomial

A Newton-Raphson iteration produces a fractal pattern in the complex plane and a Trust-Region-Dogleg method produces a smoother pattern in the complex which is desirable for a nonlinear equation solver. The context of this statement is finding the roots of a polynomial in a complex plan from different starting points. The inspiration for this post was the video from 3Blue1Brown, Newton’s Fractal (which Newton knew nothing about).

    clc;clear; close all;

Given the polynomial

find a root starting from anywhere in the interval of -2 to 2 and -2i to 2i.

common code

% setup polynomial function
coefficients = [1 0 0 1 -1 1];
polynomialFunction = @(z) polyval(coefficients, z);
% setup the derivative of the polynomial function
coefficients_dot = polyder(coefficients);
polynomialDerivativeFunction = @(z) polyval(coefficients_dot, z);
% roots of the polynomial. roots uses a eigenvalues of a companion matrix approach.
% rootsOfPolynomial = roots(coefficients);
% exact roots
rootsOfPolynomial(1) = -1i;
rootsOfPolynomial(2) =  1i;
rootsOfPolynomial(3) =  (2^(2/3)*(3^(1/3) - 3^(5/6)*1i)*(69^(1/2) + 9)^(1/3))/12 + (2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(9 - 69^(1/2))^(1/3))/12 + (2^(2/3)*3^(5/6)*(9 - 69^(1/2))^(1/3)*1i)/12;
rootsOfPolynomial(4) =  (2^(2/3)*(3^(1/3) + 3^(5/6)*1i)*(69^(1/2) + 9)^(1/3))/12 + (2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*(9 - 69^(1/2))^(1/3))/12 - (2^(2/3)*3^(5/6)*(9 - 69^(1/2))^(1/3)*1i)/12;
rootsOfPolynomial(5) = -(2^(2/3)*3^(1/3)*((69^(1/2) + 9)^(1/3) + (9 - 69^(1/2))^(1/3)))/6;
% Calculate a grid of starting points using the ndgrid format. x (real part)
% follow rows (1st dimension) and y follows the columns (2nd dimension).
% ndgrid is format is transpose of meshgrid format. meshgrid format is used
% for plotting surfaces.
nStartingPointReal = 400;
nStartingPointImaginary = 401;
startingPointReal = linspace(-2,2,nStartingPointReal)';
startingPointImaginary = linspace(-2,2+eps(2),nStartingPointImaginary)*1i;
startingPoint = startingPointReal + startingPointImaginary; % using singleton expansion
maxIterations = 100;
functionTolerance = 1e-14;
divideByZeroTolerance = 1000; % 1000*eps(p)

Newton-Raphson Iteration

Using Newton’s method starting anywhere in the interval -2 to 2 and -2i to 2i produces the following pattern.

% setup for iteration
isConverged = false(nStartingPointReal, nStartingPointImaginary);
isDivideByZero = false(nStartingPointReal, nStartingPointImaginary);
whileFlag = true;
iteration = 0;
z = startingPoint;
% check if the starting value was already converged.
% polynomial is less then functionTolerance.
p = polynomialFunction(z(~isConverged));
isConverged(~isConverged) = abs(p) < functionTolerance;
% begin iteration
p = polynomialFunction(z(~isConverged));
while whileFlag
    % increment iteration number
    iteration = iteration + 1;
    p = polynomialFunction(z(~isConverged));
    % Calculate the derivative of the polynomial.
    % Check for divide by 0. If p_dot is close to machine precision
    % of p, then its a divide by 0 error. 
    % Stop all further iteration.
    p_dot = polynomialDerivativeFunction(z(~isConverged));
    isDivideByZeroIteration = abs(p_dot) < divideByZeroTolerance*eps(abs(p));
    isDivideByZero(~isConverged) = isDivideByZeroIteration;
    isConverged(~isConverged) = isDivideByZeroIteration;
    % calculate Newton iteration on unconverged points.
    z(~isConverged) = z(~isConverged) - p(~isDivideByZeroIteration)./p_dot(~isDivideByZeroIteration);
    % check for convergence
    p = polynomialFunction(z(~isConverged));
    isConverged(~isConverged) = abs(p) < functionTolerance;
    % set while flag
    % all roots have converged or reached max iterations
    whileFlag = iteration <= maxIterations || all(all(~isConverged));
% successful roots
isRoot = isConverged & ~isDivideByZero;
% which root did newton's method converge too?
% calculate the difference between the converged root and the roots of the polynomial
% the smallest distance corresponds to the root index
zDiff = abs(z - reshape(rootsOfPolynomial,1,1,[])); % using singelton expansion
[rootErrors,rootIndex] = min(zDiff,[],3); % minimum along 3rd dimension
rootIndex(~isRoot) = 0;
% create the fractal image
% imagesc uses the meshgrid format where 
% x is the 2nd dimension 
% y is the first dimension
% therefore, transpose rootIndex because its in the ndgrid format
imagesc(startingPointReal', imag(startingPointImaginary), rootIndex')
c = prism(numel(rootsOfPolynomial)+1);
xlabel("Real Axis"); ylabel("Imaginary Axis")
ylabel(colorbar('Ticks',1:numel(rootsOfPolynomial)),"Root Index")
hold all;
title("Newton-Raphson Convergence for z^5+z^2-z+1")
Red is unconverged. The other colors correspond to a root. The o’s are the roots.

Trust-Region-Dogleg Iteration

The MATLAB fsolve() function uses the Trust-Region-Dogleg method to find a root of a nonlinear equation. What’s interesting is how much smoother the boundaries are for the Trust-Region-Dogleg method.

More information on Trust-Region-Dogleg method
Powell’s dog leg method – Wikipedia
Trust-Region-Dogleg Algorithm – MathWorks

options = optimoptions('fsolve','Display',"none","SpecifyObjectiveGradient",true, ...
    'FunctionTolerance',functionTolerance, 'StepTolerance',max(rootErrors(isRoot)),...
% calling fsolve with the first argument as a cell array is undocumented but it works and is easy to setup. In a future
% version of MATLAB, this may not work because its undocumented. Also, each root is found one at a time and this is 
% ver inefficient. This could be a lot better but that is not the focus of today.
[z2,~,exitflag2] = arrayfun(@(z0) fsolve({polynomialFunction,polynomialDerivativeFunction},z0,options),startingPoint);

Elapsed time is 406.891834 seconds.

% successful roots
isRoot2 = exitflag2 == 1;
% which root did the Trust-Region-Dogleg method converge too?
% calculate the difference between the converged root and the roots of the polynomial
% the smallest distance corresponds to the root index
zDiff2 = abs(z2 - reshape(rootsOfPolynomial,1,1,[])); % using singelton expansion
[rootErrors2,rootIndex2] = min(zDiff2,[],3); % minimum along 3rd dimension
rootIndex2(~isRoot2) = 0;
% create the fractal image
% imagesc uses the meshgrid format where 
% x is the 2nd dimension 
% y is the first dimension
% therefore, transpose rootIndex2 because its in the ndgrid format
imagesc(startingPointReal', imag(startingPointImaginary), rootIndex2')
xlabel("Real Axis"); ylabel("Imaginary Axis")
ylabel(colorbar('Ticks',1:numel(rootsOfPolynomial)),"Root Index")
hold all;
title("Trust-Region-Dogleg Convergence for z^5+z^2-z+1")
Red is unconverged. The other colors correspond to a root. The o’s are the roots.

Six Myths of Polynomial Interpolation and Quadrature

I found a profound paper written by Professor Lloyd N. Trefethen entitled Six Myths of Polynomial Interpolation and Quadrature. This paper is profound because it goes against a lot of the mainstream things that I have learned related to polynomials. After watching Professor Trefethen’s lectures, I found that he is right and knows what he is talking about. Read the paper. It is worth your time.

The paper is here if it is ever removed from the link above.